Monday, May 3, 2010

1:09 as KP as usual. looking at that makes my blood boils and changes my mood.

Monday, April 26, 2010

i'm gonna cut this again!

freaking bored at home. thinking through alot of things.

decided to let it be.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

there're people in EVD that i really wish to rememer and keep in touch with after graduation. grace! saranghae. you're great. melissa. saranghae. sheryl. hai. if you dont scold #$@&^% so much i'll love you as much. i will miss lydia too. saranghae. and the 6 of us of course. shihui ngiam hsh jiejie edison. haha. we care, we share for the future we prepare! jason ar. harryn ar. sean ar. leonard ar. saranghae.:DD

and at then mean time there're people whom i really hope i will never ever contact and even meet again. you should know who you are. and yes. its you.